Out-of-School Children


Exclusive Interview on out of school children and education policy in Bauchi with an Educationist Sabo Mohammed.


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By Ude Ogbonnaya Israel Excerpt from the interview: what do you think about the current education policy on boys/girls separation in secondary school which the lawmakers are trying to review? You see when you are trying to come up with a policy like education policy, for example, you must ensure that all people who have […]

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UNICEF Urges Governments to Improve School Infrastructure and Safety to Reduce Out-of-School Children


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By Tasi’u Hassan The Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Bauchi, Dr. Tusher Rane, urged authorities to ensure the safety of schools to address the problem of out-of-school children in the country. Dr. Tusher Rane made the request during a two-day Regional Stakeholders Engagement Meeting on Out-of-School Children and the Retention, Transition, and Completion Models in […]

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