By Saad Umar.
Eidul-Kabir Day is a special day. In the words of the Prophet, it’s “The greatest day in the sight of Allah…” (Saheeh al-Jaami‘). To mark its greatness, Allah and His Messenger prescribed the ritual of slaughtering certain animals – ram, goat, cow or camel. In this regard, Allah said: “Therefore, turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice.” (Al-Kausar: 2) This day – Eid day, the Prophet said, “… the day of Sacrifice and the days of al-Tashriq, are our festival, we Muslims, and they are days of eating and drinking.” (Sahih al-Tirmidhi)
The Eid is also about thanksgiving and remembrance of Allah. Remembering to be kind and generous to the servants of Allah. It’s about leaders taking care of their followers, showing them love and meeting their needs. Apart from slaughtering hundreds of camels for his Companions, the Prophet used to send rams all the way to Mecca from Madinah so that the needy will eat of the meat. And, ” Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow….” (Ahzaab: 21)
On this greatest day, only the great greet his people with rams and cows and money – exactly what Senator Shehu Buba did. Senator Shehu has chosen this special day to put a smile on the faces of the masses, by providing them with the rams and cows they need to make their sacrifices as prescribed by Qur’an and Sunnah. I don’t know how many rams and cows Shehu shared, but I do know everybody got one, save those that Allah destined otherwise. And the people are happy, very happy. It’s Eid.
Undoubtedly, the test of a good leader is doing what people want, making them happy. Meeting their needs – spiritual and temporal. Meeting their expectations. I dare say Senator Shehu has exceeded expectations within the first 30 days of his assumption of office.
Indeed, since his deserved election on 25 February 2023, Senator Shehu has been reaching out to his constituents in times of torment and merriment. In tormenting times, he gives his shoulder to cry on. And not only giving just tea and sympathy, Senator Shehu acts with alacrity in providing real help – money, medicine, care and any resources needed. He is quite generous. He can give you the shirt off his back.
Conversely, during the happy days, Senator Shehu will be there to make us feel happier. Like what he did on this feast day – raining rams and cows and money. That’s democracy in action: public policy shaped by popular public opinion and needs. Further, it’s keeping with the Tradition of the Prophet. The following Hadith illustrates this: “Aamir (RA) said that the Prophet (SAW) shared out sacrificial animals amongst his companions, and Uqbah got a sheep that was six months old. He said, “O Messenger of Allaah, I got a sheep that is six months old.” He said, “Offer it as a sacrifice.” (Sahih Bukhari)
With this gesture, Senator Shehu killed two birds with one stone: providing divedends of democracy while following the Sunnah. It’s delightful!
Now, as we pray and slaughter our rams and cows, we must remember that our prayers and sacrifices are for Allah the Cherisher of the Worlds. We must avoid Shirk in our sacrifice. The object of the sacrifice is piety and Taqwa, not ostentation. Allah said: “It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him.” (Qur’an 22: 37)
Lastly, the rams and cows we slaughtered are not just for us to eat alone. The Prophet recommends sharing it with friends and relatives; and giving part of it as Sadaqah to the needy. And to Distinguished Senator Shehu, who Allah blessed with the magnanimity to share from the blessings of Allah bestowed upon him, we say Jazakallahu khairan! May Allah accept (this worship) from us and from you and may you live to see another Eid.
Eid Mubarak!
Saad, a lawyer is the Acting Chairman of APC Publicity Committee, Bauchi State and former Director-General of BASEPA.