Crying Over Spilled Milk: APC’s Desperate Attacks on Governor Bala Mohammed


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By Usman Abdullahi Koli

In politics, as in life, it is often said that “empty vessels make the loudest noise.” This goes well with the recent unwarranted criticisms from Senator Shehu Buba and Yakubu Dogara directed at the Governor of Bauchi State, Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed. Their baseless comments are nothing but a reflection of jealousy over the giant strides the Governor has made in transforming Bauchi State.

It is no secret that the All Progressives Congress (APC), during its years of governance, has left a trail of economic hardship and insecurity that continues to plague the nation. Despite this, the audacity of some APC members to challenge Governor Bala Mohammed—a leader tirelessly working for the people of Bauchi—is not only shameful but also indicative of their insecurity in the face of his undeniable achievements.

Governor Bala Mohammed, during a recent PDP local government election campaign flag-off, bravely pointed out the flaws in President Tinubu’s policies, emphasizing their negative impact on the nation. He rightly noted that these policies, rather than uplifting the masses, have exacerbated the already dire economic conditions, leaving many families struggling to afford even the most basic necessities.

One cannot overlook the irony of Dogara’s recent actions. Having been a vocal opponent of the APC’s Muslim-Muslim ticket during the 2023 general elections, he fought tirelessly to challenge the initiative, citing concerns over fairness and religious inclusivity. Yet, in a striking turn of events, he now appears to be aligning himself with the very administration he once criticized so vehemently. This sudden shift not only raises questions about his consistency but also casts a shadow over his integrity. Is it not a shame for someone who once stood so firmly on principle to now seemingly abandon those values for political convenience?

The Governor’s comments are not just rhetoric; they are backed by the tangible evidence of his transformative projects across Bauchi State. From urban renewal in Bauchi metropolis to development initiatives in all 20 local government areas, his administration is actively working to alleviate the challenges faced by the citizens. In stark contrast, Senator Shehu Buba, after a year in office, has yet to make any significant contributions to his constituency. His and Dogara’s comments seem more like a desperate attempt to undermine Governor Bala’s success rather than any meaningful critique.

Furthermore, the APC’s failures are glaring not only in their inability to manage the economy but also in their failure to secure the lives and properties of Nigerians. The insecurity that has plagued the nation under their watch has led to countless lives lost and communities shattered. It is ironic that the same leaders who failed to protect their citizens now find it convenient to criticize a Governor who is working tirelessly to improve the lives of his people.

Governor Bala’s willingness to stand up against President Tinubu’s detrimental policies, even when it means facing backlash, demonstrates his commitment to the welfare of the common man. While Shehu Buba and Yakubu Dogara engage in petty politics, Governor Bala remains focused on delivering tangible results for Bauchi State. His leadership is a beacon of hope in a political landscape that has too often been dominated by self-serving agendas.

In these challenging times, it is imperative that all leaders, regardless of party affiliation, put aside their differences and work together to alleviate the plight of the common man. Governor Bala’s recent statements are a testament to his commitment to the people of Bauchi State and Nigeria at large. Despite any shortcomings he may have, his willingness to side with the masses and speak out against harmful policies is commendable and worthy of emulation.

The criticisms from Shehu Buba and Yakubu Dogara should be seen for what they are—nothing more than noise from those threatened by the Governor’s success. Instead of trying to tear down what he has built, they would do well to focus on contributing positively to the development of Bauchi State and the nation as a whole.

Ultimately, the desperation seen in the APC’s attacks on Governor Bala Mohammed reflects a deeper fear—fear of a leader who is unafraid to challenge the status quo and fear of the growing support he commands among the people. As Governor Bala continues to prioritize the well-being of his constituents, it is clear that his efforts are resonating with the masses, leaving his critics grasping at straws in their attempts to undermine his work.

Usman writes from Bauchi and can be reached via; 0708174 2955


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